Obesity: Major Issue, How To Fight It

Obesity has become major concern in the world, to stay in pace with the developing world where junk food, sedentary way of life, not having the self-care time etc are very common. Obesity is the main reason, why most of the people are facing chronic health issues. From cardiovascular disease to diabetes, some of these diseases are directly linked to overweight. But you should not worry more, like every problem has a solution. Obesity also has solution, by taking necessary steps we can combat obesity easily and hustle free and move towards healthier life.

In this article, we will tell you what is Obesity, Why it occurs and how to conbat it wiith simple and easy steps. 


What is Obesity?

Weight gain is not considered as obesity, rather excessive body fat i.e. when BMI (Body Mass Index) level is more than normal is considered as obesity. BMI is calculated on the basis of weight and height of any person.
If person’s BMI is 30 or more is categorized into obesity group. BMI plays important role to know the body fitness, but it doesn’t give a complete information about your body.
For example: a muscular athlete has High BMI, then he /she should be, but still they are fit.  BMI is still used as an indicator to know whether the person is healthy or not.
Obesity not only happens due to eating more junk foods or exercising less. But environment and genetic factors also plays a crucial role, and how you are opting your way of life etc are leading drivers of this major health epidemic.

Reason Behind Rise of Obesity:

Its simple to know, modern way of living are not proper environment to maintain a healthy weight and life. Right, we all knew about it.  There are other causes also which have been changing over the years.
Dietary Changes:  People have shifted from whole grains, organic foods to processed, packed foods, which are easy and go to item to fil your stomach for short term. No one has time to cook proper meal.  These easy, quick food items come with loaded sugar, unhealthy fat and those extra calories which no one want to have. It doesn’t provide the required nutritious which your body requires to stay healthy and strong. It doesn’t fil your stomach for longer period as a result you start binge eating, may be cause of obesity.
Way of Living: In this technological world, people like to spend most of their time of phones, desk, watching TV or playing video games, where the movement is negligible. No movement, No shed of those extra calories- may move towards obesity and diseases.
Mind Game: Stress, anxiety, depression, during this period most of people start eating more food unknowingly/knowing and put those extra calories and fats. Over the period this turns into habit and may start gaining weight. 
Availability and Yummy Taste: Processed, unhealthy food is present on every nook and corner. Advertisement on television, hoardings, billboards, many small vendors on road side and were not. Fast food chains target the audience by giving those extra discount, special deals. This may also contribute towards obesity and reason behind multiple health risk.

Obesity is Not a Joke, Its Threaten to Your Life:

Eating yummy, delicious processed foods can be good to say good bye to your hunger pan, but in long run it becomes the major issue for weight gain and welcoming health issues at home.  
Type 2 Diabetes: India is a diabetic capital in the world, sedentary lifestyle and obesity is reason behind it. Excessive fat in the body minimize to act insulin receptors, which prevents body from balancing the blood sugar levels properly.
Joint Problems: Weight gain and obesity puts pressure on the joints like knees, hips, ankle and lower back.  And over long run may led to osteoarthritis, causing pain and limiting mobility.
Sleep Apnea: Obesity is the cause of sleep apnea. In sleep apnea, people feel difficulty to take breathe and turns restlessness. Resulting in poor quality sleep, fatigue and many heart relatedproblems. Which may further increase changes of heart stroke, heart attack.
Mental Health Impact: Obesity is a major cause to affect the mental health.  People who are overweight, usually get bullied in their community. It causes stress, anxiety and even lead to depression and have low confidence. Due to self-doubt, they never motivate to opt for a healthier life and the vicious cycle continuous.
Few Cancer Types: Cancer like breast, colorectal, and endometrial cancer are associated with obesity according to some research.

Obesity, How to Overcome?

Obesity is a stigma in society especially for girls, and it is the underlying cause for many diseases. Let’s check out how to combat your obesity :

Adopt Healthy Meals:

Avoid eating junk foods, and try and focus on nutrient-dense foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean protein. Try to include everything in small portion to create a balanced plate.
Always practice mindful eating, it helps to keep a check on your portion size and also stops you from over eating.  Don’t drink sugary beverages instead drink water, it helps to keep your stomach clean and absorbs nutrients from the food and helps to improve the gut function and prevent constipation.

Increase your Physical Activity

Start your day with some exercise like brisk walk, jogging, cycling, swimming, Zumba etc. It will be fun and also help to lose weight.
Instead of sitting in one place and working try to some yoga, take stairs instead of elevators, take a walk to buy something, don’t use vehicles for shorter distance. Don’t engage completely deep into the work that you have no time to even eat or sleep. Workout is a must to turn yourself into a healthier you.  

Mental Health:

Engage yourself into some type of meditation, yoga or any simple breathing exercise it will help you to manage your stress levels and keep your mental health in check. Stress is reason behind many health issues and obesity is one of them. Stress with obesity create cardiac issue and many other conditions also, may led to chronic situation.


Obesity is really big problem, but it’s not too difficult to shed your extra kilos. Make healthier choices, surround yourself with positive people, who can motivate on daily basis, and from your busy schedule take some golden movement for yourself also. Take steps to combat obesity and move towards a healthy life and stay active all time.

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